Monday, March 23, 2015

Peer Review: Whitewash, Colors // In Absentia

"You'll Be Fine"

If you don't mind leaning back and taking in sun drenched vibes, summer evenings, nights on the beach- then you won't mind leaning back and listening to this track from Whitewash.

Colors//In Absentia, off of “Fraud in Lisbon" is that escape to that washed away feeling of spring, summer, early fall- a wash of the million creepy colors you see in the sky at night will make you feel fine. It’s a mindless warm, distorted, messy fuzzy feeling that everyone feels- it’s what everyone want.
Whitewash combines a balance between hazy fuzz, C-86 jangle-pop, and sluggish psychedelia, and the reality is that each track ends up just a trading one style for the other. With Colors // In Absentia they nail it, and nail working against and with/ each other to get to that next level.
Biggest drawback is the extended freewheeling long jam ending. We’re done. After another minute after the final chorus I would be back at the bar getting another drink, waiting for the next song.

By Anonymous

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